May 23, 2024

How Sustainable Diets Can Change the World! How Much Carbon Can a Meatless Meal Save?

How much is the carbon difference between a meat meal and a plant-based meal? According to the latest research from the University of Oxford, if meat eaters adopt a low-meat diet, the carbon reduction effect is equivalent to reducing 8 million cars on the road. So, how much is the carbon difference between a meat lover's meal and a plant-based eater's meal?

According to the BBC, this study collected and analyzed data from 55,000 participants. Based on an adult's daily requirement of about 2,000 calories, the average greenhouse gas emissions were calculated according to different dietary patterns. High meat-eaters (those who consume more than 100 grams of meat per day) produce an average of 10.24 kg of carbon emissions; low meat-eaters (those who consume about 50 grams or less of meat per day) produce an average of 5.37 kg of carbon emissions; pescatarians produce 4.74 kg; vegetarians produce 4.16 kg; and vegans can reduce carbon emissions to as low as 2.47 kg.

This shows that a meat-heavy diet results in two to five times more carbon emissions than other dietary habits.

Fusen Purifying Ecological Wellness Village upholds the philosophy of promoting sustainable living for the earth and improving human health. It offers plant-based diets, Chinese medicine therapy, ecological tours, and cultural and artistic services, allowing travelers to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual balance; returning to the healing power of nature.

Special thanks to Chef Hu Caibin and his team from the Michelin-acclaimed 'Green · Vegetarian Guide,' who received the honor of a three-star rating. On May 3, they exchanged ideas with the park's chef team, hoping to not only ensure the deliciousness of plant-based food but also work together for the health of the planet.

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